split second ♥




One day while Raihana was walking heading to the nearest supermarket to buy some groceries, she met with a 50y/o poor woman.

She stinks.

She is dirty.

And yes she is homeless.

However Raihana couldn't help it. She sometimes scratched her nose acting like it itches when actually she was uncomfortable with the old woman's unpleasant smell.

"Assalamualaikum mom, would you like a little hand there?"

"Mom? Did you just call me mom?"

"Yes. Come I'll bring you home."

"Home? No. Mom is homeless."

"No mom, you're with me now. Come lets go. I've a surprise for you."

She followed Raihana, a tall young lady who she thinks might be having a nose problem. Itching every single minute.

At home, Raihana gave "mom" a refreshing bath, and cooked her a simple meal.

"Thank you princess. It's been ages since my last bath."

Raihana reached mom's hand and hold it firmly.

"As your daughter, it's my responsibility. I'm not a princess, I'm just a cleaner."

"No! Why are you placing yourself at the bottom? When you're flying high? No! You're not a cleaner."

A little while mom realize that Raihana has no more nose-itch problem.

Raihana just smiled and continued feeding mom.

"Princess, what's your name darling? "

"Raihana. Just a simple name to carry isn't it?"

Raihana giggled and hugged mom. Yes indeed! She loved everyone just equally. Anywho. Even to strangers. Like mom.

Mom suddenly cried. The tears rolled down her cheeks. Raihana slapped her face unintentionally.

"Did I just say anything wrong, mom?"

"No! Nothing. Darling, you're doing fine. Absolutely fine. It's me......."

Mom told Raihana the whole truth. About what she had been through.

30 years back she was a pretty young lady. Wealthy. She has everything it needs. Unfortunately she was driven into darkness.

"I wasn't a good daughter, pious? So farrrr darling. I drink. I party. I kicked orphans. I yelled at my parents. I..I......*she stopped* It was all dark. Yes! People think I had everything. They said I was lucky. But a little that they knew my heart was blank and dark because of the treasures of dunya. I slipped dear. I've slipped. And for t-h-i-r-t-y years being homeless, poor and ugly. I've been kicked, slapped, thrown, rrrrraped...... I recieved my punishment the whole 30years."

Mom cried and cried regretting her past.

"I don't even know how it happened. All of my happiness just flew like a split second. And I cried my darling, because today Allah met us up. Meeting with whom I don't know, but being so nice. I can feel that Allah still loves me dear. Thank you Allah!

Again she continued,

"Love, is this your house? It's pretty, neat, looks wide, comfortable, peace."

"Mom, it's just a wooden house." Raihana wipes her tears. Allah is showing her something

Her heart whispers,

"Raihana, Allah wants you to learn."

Mom was shocked when she went outside to look at the house. True! Wooden. Wood. No bricks. Just wood. Small. So small.

And she stepped back into the house. Still the same! Wide. Nice. Clean. Neat. Peace!

"Dear, who are you?"

"Mom, I'm just a cleaner. A school cleaner."

Mom cried. She grabbed Raihana's waist and hugged her.

"Allah showed me much dear! In just one day. This is much. I hoped that I would have met you 30 years back. Your heart. Is your home. Your heart is lovely. Same goes to your home. Your heart is pretty same goes to your smile. Your heart is full of love. Same goes to your hugs and words. Your heart is CLEAN same goes to your job. A cleaner, with a big heart! May Allah bless you love!"

Raihana cried on mom's shoulder. She couldn't help it.

Raihana is also poor. But she never complains. Yet she is always being grateful.

She never forgets Allah. Because from Him is where her foods come from. From Him where her money breeds. And because of Allah the ArRazak. Her refrigerator/cabinets has never been empty without anything to eat.

Allah is the most Merciful. Once slipped you'll face the consequences. But once you repent with the real meaning of repentance, you'll see His love towards you is none to be found.

*Daripada Ali bin Abi Talib, beliau berkata: Kami sedang duduk bersama Rasulullah di dalam masjid. Tiba-tiba datang Mus'ab Bin Umair dan tiada dia atas badannya kecuali hanya sehelai selendang yang bertampal dengan kulit. Tatkala Rasulullah melihat kepadanya baginda menangis dan menitiskan airmata kerana mengenangkan kemewahan Mus'ab ketika brada di Mekah dahulu (kerana dimanjakan oleh ibunya) dan kerana memandang nasib Mus'ab sekarang (ketika berada di Madinah sebagai seorang Muhajirin yang terpaksa meninggalkan segala harta benda dan kekayaannya di Mekah).

Kemudian Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersabda,
"Bagaimanakah keadaan kamu suatu saat nanti, pergi pada waktu pagi dengan satu pakaian, dan pergi pada waktu petang dengan pakaian lain pula. Dan apabila diangkatkan satu hidangan diletakkan pula hidangan yang lain. Dan kamu menutupi(menghias) rumah kamu seperti mana kamu memasang kelambu Kaabah?"

Maka jawab sahabat, "Wahai Rasulullah, tentunya di waktu itu kami lebih baik daripada hari ini. Kami akan memberikan penumpuan kepada masalah ibadat sahaja dan tidak usah mencari rezeki."

Lalu Rasulullah bersabda, "Tidak! Keadaan kamu di hari ini lebih baik daripada keadaan kamu di hari itu."

Hadis riwayat Tirmizi.*


Heh. Gambar hiasan. ^_^


:) said...

this story is really meaningful :)

Reiichi said...
